Alpha by jasinda wilder
Alpha by jasinda wilder

alpha by jasinda wilder

The next month, I received another check, again from VRI Incorporated. If you receive a mysterious check, for enough money to erase all your worries, would you cash it? I did. No mention of repayment, interest, nothing…except a single word, on the notes line: “You.” Just those three letters. No hint of identity or reason for the check or anything. There was no name on the check, just “VRI Inc.,” and a post office box address for somewhere in the city.

alpha by jasinda wilder

Enough to pay the bills and leave me some left over to live on until I found a job. Inside was a check, made out to me, in the amount of ten thousand dollars. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an envelope in the mail. There was no hope, no money in my account, no work to be found. Bills were piling up, adding up to more money than I could ever make. The first time it happened, it seemed like an impossible miracle. So, what would you do? Cash it? I feel like I’d harass someone at the bank for more info, even if they couldn’t give it to me. There’s just one word written in the memo line: “You”. What would you do if you received a $10,000 check in the mail? It’s addressed to you, yet the signature is illegible.

Alpha by jasinda wilder