
In 1740, Kant enrolled at the University of Konigsberg as a theology student, but was soon attracted to mathematics and physics. While at school, Kant gained a deep appreciation for the Latin classics. Seeing the potential in the young man, a local pastor arranged for the young Kant's education. Both parents were devout followers of Pietism, an 18th-century branch of the Lutheran Church.


Later in his life, Immanuel changed the spelling of his name to Kant to to adhere to German spelling practices. Kant was the fourth of nine children born to Johann Georg Cant, a harness maker, and Anna Regina Cant. He published more critiques in the years preceding his death on February 12, 1804, in the city of his birth. In 1781, he published the first part of Critique of Pure Reason.


He spent the next 15 years as a metaphysics lecturer.


While tutoring, Immanuel Kant published science papers, including "General Natural History and Theory of the Heavens" in 1755.
